FAS Detection
What is FAS?
FAS can occur in multiple ways, the most common is when an answer signal is sent before a call is connected to the far end, this can either cause the user to hear a ringtone or a false audio message on a connected call. Another form of FAS is delayed connect or disconnect, when the destination connection is either delayed at the start of a call or the disconnect from the destination is delayed when they terminate a call. These can result in the billed time being longer than the actual call time or to be billed for a call that never terminates correctly.Why is FAS a problem?
The biggest problem for carriers that experience FAS is billing of non connected calls. Detecting this can often prove difficult as the number of calls which experience FAS may only a small percentage of the connected calls.Where is FAS being introduced?
FAS can occur by incorrectly configured equipment, however it is more often than not specifically introduced by fraudulent carriers using FAS generating services.How can I combat FAS?
The iTest FAS detection service is run on all calls initiated through the iTest platform. We use industry standard techniques based on signalling as well as our own complex audio analysis to detect connected with ringtone FAS. CLI Verification tests made through iTest also undergo additional timing checks and call termination checks to ensure false audio messages and delayed connect and disconnect FAS. Within iTest our customers can alert us if there are any false positives or undetected FAS calls and we are constantly improving our detection systems to stay one step ahead of any fraud. We currently have a 99.96% FAS identification rate.Using the Monitoring and Alerting features within iTest it's possible to pro-actively monitor your routes for FAS and be alerted immediately to any issues before it escalates and affects your customers.